Here is a selection of video content - from "how to" guides and technical explanations
through to promotional animations and influencer posts.
Exploring the Platform - How Does Brillder Work?
Brillder is both a publisher and a platform. It's a complex, state-of-the-art system which serves both teachers and learners. But the bottom line is bricks. Discover how to play, create, assign and adapt them.
Saving Teachers Time
This Terry Gilliam-inspired animation conveys our vision for Brillder as a game-changing tool for teachers that will inspire 21st-century learners.
Inspiring Learners
More Monty Python animation - this was our first promotional video, explaining how bricks help you study.
Nouman Explains
Here's a video made by an influencer who is also a genuine user. Nouman was particularly excited about the competition arena and the idea of winning "brills".
Nada Explains
Here’s another influencer working with us - she’s one of many Brillder users who recently accepted a place at Oxford University.
Ancient History
Brillder is the tech element of the Scholar 6 project launched by our Founder, Joe Francis, in 2018. To see how far we've come in a few years, you might like to see this introduction to the prototype.